When in Arab Peninsula and Northern Africa

Knowing the culture and language can lead to a more pleasant and memorable travel experiences. Here are some minutes worth remembering when travelling to regions such as Morocco, Cairo, Baghdad and Damascus.
  • It is not necessary to bring or give gifts when invited to someones home. However, if you decide to bring gifts, sweets or liquor(only in liberal regions such as Dubai) are acceptable. No flowers as this are ornaments for funeral occasion only. 
  • It is very rude to not accept gifts and opening gifts in front of a person is also considered rude. 
  • The concept of time does not exist, being late half an hour to a meeting is quite normal. It is also not necessary to setup an appoint when visiting someone.
  • Start with small talk before diving in to business.
  • When you want something done, a small gifts sometime will do the trick otherwise you hear the word "inshallah", which means God willing.
  • Avoid talking about personal issues. 
  • Never take "No" for an answer, insistently offer it multiple times before giving up.
  • Don't use your left hand when reaching out for things on the table.
  • Avoid eye contact between opposite sex.
  • No chewing gum, it is considered insulting.
  • Holding hands or kissing cheeks between a men or a women(not cross gender) are sign of affection and friendship. 
  • Marrying your cousin is allowed or practiced.
  • Polygamy or having four wives is normal or allowed for men. In some region, a contract marriage between a man and a woman for a period of time is also practiced.
  • When you admire something such as necklace, you may end up receiving it the following day.
  • Avoid referencing someone's wife or children on a conversation, instead ask, "How is your family?". A more general approach of asking someones well being.
  • Avoid crossing legs or smoking cigarettes in front or presence of elders.
  • Don't pay full or asking price when shopping at bazaar store. Always negotiate, start below half price.

Arab Greetings

Marhaba = Hello
Marhabtayn = Response to hello
Sabah al Khayr = Good Morning
Sabah an-nur = Response to good morning
Zayn = Fine
Tayib = Fine
Tamamm = Just fine
Fi Aman Illah = Goodbye
Ma' as salamah = Goodbye
Allah yisalimak = Response to goodbye
Ahlan wa-sahlan = Welcome greetings, particularly in Egypt
Kayf halak = How are you?
Masa' al-khayr = Good evening
Masa' an-nur = Response to good evening


Sifr = Zero
Wahid = One
Ithnayn = Two
Thalata = Three
Arba'a = Four
Khamsa = Five
Sitta = Six
Sab'a = Seven
Thamaniya = Eight
Tisa' = Nine
'Ashra = Ten

Handy Words

Min-fadlak = Please
Shukran = Thank you
'Afwan = You're welcome
Na'am = Yes
La = No
Yalla = Let's go
Funduq = Hotel
Mat'am = Restaurant
Kam = How much
Kam Hadha = How much is this
Man = Who
Inshallah = If God is willing
Hina = Here
Khubz = Bread
Ams = Yesterday
Al-youm = Today
Bukra = Tomorrow
Sifarah = Embassy
Bayt = House
Ash-shurtah = Police
Shari' = Street
Madinah = City
Mat'am = Restaurant
Funduq Hotel

Asking Questions

Kam = How much?
Kam hadha = How much is this?
Man = Who?
Madha = What?
Ayn = Where?
Limadha = Why?
Mata = When?
Kayf = How?

Days of the Week

Youm = Day
Youm al-ahad = Sunday
Youm al-ithnayn = Monday
Youm al-thalatha' = Tuesday
Youm al-arba' = Wednesday
Youm al-khamis = Thursday
Youm al-jum'ah = Friday
Youm al-sabt = Saturday


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