The Quest to Elusive Machu Picchu
In the Andes, the weather can changed abruptly without any warning. As flight TACA 009 about to land, a sudden outburst of dark cloud blanketed the valley of Cusco, the mecca of backpackers to the Inca temples and deep jungle, causing flight TACA to divert back to Lima International Airport where travelers from various part of the world waited anxiously from the tarmac for a second chance to takeoff. As darkness set in, that second chance vanished into thin air sending passengers in disappointment and backpackers scrambling for space, marking their territory with their belongings in Lima International Airport. It was a long night.
The next day, we boarded the first flight out of Lima to Cusco. It was sardine packed, mostly passengers from previous cancelled flights. On standby once again at the tarmac, waiting for weather condition report out from Cusco Airport, passengers waited tensely for takeoff. Ultimately, flight TACA 007 was once again cancelled, sending passengers in disbelief.
This latest event changed our strategy, alternative options were considered: A ten hour bus ride through a treacherous narrow zigzag road which can take days because of erosion from mountain hillsides, fly with smaller and more maneuverable airline equip with the latest and advance technology or take another chance with TACA which had earned the reputation of "Take your Chance Airline".
With our tight schedule, we decided to book another flight with a different Airline. An hour ten minutes later, flight LAN 2043 landed in Cusco.
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